Jan 26, 2015

Lilla Kafferosteriet

The scent that meets you when you open the green wooden doors, is seducing. The reason for this might be that there has been a coffee roastery here before. In 2006 there was almost only Espresso House to visit for people in Malmö who wanted fika. Filip Åkerblom then decided to start a local roastery where coffee would be served as well. This turned into Lilla Kafferosteriet, situated in a yellow 17th century building on Baltzarsgatan. He thought that knowledge about coffee was very limited at the time and wanted to increase the knowledge among people in general. But first he himself needed to get entirely educated. For several years Filip Åkerblom travelled to meet coffee planters in Central and South America. Then later to Africa and now lately to Asia. Next week's destination is Indonesia.

In the beginning the roastery lay in the café, like an open kitchen in a restaurant, but then it got too big. Therefore the shop next door was bought and the roastery and shop moved over there. But soon this was not large enough either. So now the roastery is down in the harbour. Together with a coffee school. People from all over the world come here to learn about coffee. A fun fact is that it was Filip who wrote the rules for the World Cup in coffee brewing!, a competition that was last held in Rimini, Italy.

The customers also get educated. For each filter coffee there is one refill, and in that way we get to flavor different blends. Maybe someone will dare try a lightly roasted coffee, if one first have tried medium roast. But the most important thing is that everyone should feel welcome and that there are no no-noes. Like for example - pouring milk in the coffee. Even though it is nice when someone in the clientele discovers that there are coffee qualities with very little tannin acid (grown on the lowlands in Brazil), where milk is not needed.

The pastries are carefully chosen, like the Cardamom bun from the bakery around the corner, the bread from Organic bakery and the Carrot cake from Olof Victor's out on Österlen. The café itself has many smaller rooms (you might get lost) with eclectic furniture. It is a little like coming home to an old aunt on the country side. If you sit down, you might have trouble getting up again. So cozy.

Filip does not want to get too big, but it seems he has difficulties to stop expanding. Next year he will open a coffee bar close to the new Concert Hall - Malmö Live.

Some info
Americano 26
Breakfast 60
Served all day
Brunch or Scanian breakfast buffé 95
Served Sat 10-13 & Sun 11-14
Wi-Fi - No

Getting here
Baltzarsgatan 24 A
Mon-Fri 8-19
Sat 10-17
Sun 11-17
040 - 48 20 00

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